When you place your order through APIC, the credit card information is required to authenticate that the credit card is valid. There are no charges to your credit card until the documents are ready and you complete payment. Once you have completed payment then the documents are released to you.
On the day you requested delivery, you will receive an email alerting you that your order is ready to be paid for. This is your cue to log back into eStrataHub, open the details of your order, and click the "Complete Payment" button.
Once payment is made, you will have an opportunity to download your documents to your workstation or print them. You can also use the "Email Links to Docs" button send to send an email which has links to the documents embedded in the email. This "Email Links to Docs" button and the links embedded in the email are only available for 60 days as some of these documents are time sensitive. After 60 days the button will disappear and the links will not work. However at any time you can log back into your "Order Details" page and download the documents.
In BC, orders placed through myLTSA operate the same way. The myLTSA deposit account is not debited until you click the Complete Payment button.
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