To register for a free account and place an order for documents, please do the following:
- Go to
- Under Organization Type, choose Homeowner
- You will get an activation email
- Click the link in the activation email and login (Note: Keep an eye on your spam/junk folder for it)
- Select Services, eCondoHub (Alberta) or eStrataHub (BC) (Top left Corner)
- Select Place an order
- Enter your strata plan and lot number (if you do not know them, they can be found on via your civic address, under the 'Legal description and parcel ID' section)
Note: If it shows it is a split/sectioned property and you are the home owner, you would select the RESIDENTIAL option
- Select your role: Home Owner
- Select Next and OK - I Agree
- Select the appropriate forms and enter the appropriate info for your order
- Select Date Required (Pay attention to the order estimate window for priority fees and estimate cost)
- Select Next, Review your order
- Select Place Order and enter credit card information
If you have any further questions or concerns, contact us at 1-877-953-8253 Monday to Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM PST