If you order a document and request the standard delivery time or later, no Priority Fees will apply. If you request an earlier delivery time, Priority Fees may apply.
Priority Fees are based on the number of business days from the receipt of the order to the delivery date you select. Orders submitted on non-business days, statutory holidays or after the Property Management companies cut off time, are considered received on the following business day.
Example A: If on Wednesday you order a Form B and a Form F (before the cut off time that the Property Management company has set) to be delivered the following Wednesday, no Priority fees will apply. Because the standard delivery time for these documents is one week, only the statutory fees will apply ($35 for Form B, $15 for Form F, $.25 cent per page fee (if applicable), $14.50 delivery fee for eStrataHub).
Example B: If on Wednesday you order a Form B and Form F to be delivered the following Monday, the Property Management companies Priority Fees will apply, in addition to the fees mentioned above. Priority Fees are based on business days (Saturday, Sunday and stat holidays are not counted). In this example, it is considered a three-day rush order.