The "Form B: Information Certificate" discloses information about a strata lot and strata corporation. It is typically requested by potential buyers. It contains information such as the monthly strata fee, any amount the owner owes to the strata, and much more. More details can be found on the Government of BC's website here.
The "Form F: Certificate of Payment" provides information on whether the owner of a strata lot owes money to the strata corporation. The Form F is required by the Land Title Office when transferring a strata property to a new owner. (When transferring a title, one has to submit declarations confirming one has a Form F showing no money owing to the Strata. These steps are to be completed by a lawyer/notary.) More details can be found on the Government of BC's website here.
A blank copy/example of the Form B/F can be found below. Please note these are examples only and are not intended for use. The Form B and F are regularly updated and a current copy should be determined from the Strata Property Act via the Government of BC's site (currently found here).