1. Go to our website, www.oncorp.com and procced to the login on the upper right-hand side:
2. When you click login, the following screen appears,
Enter your account name, username and password then click next.
3. Once you have logged in, look on the top left-hand side for the banking/PPSA tab and click on
the PPSA dropdown:
4. After selecting PPSA, you are at the landing page, to start a search, click new on the left index
under PPSA Search:
5. From here you can enter your reference and docket information:
6. Afterwards, you can select the entity type from the available (6) options:
7. After selecting the entity type, you can enter the name into the text box, to enter multiple
names simply hit enter on your keyboard between names
8. Now you can select your jurisdiction:
9. Based on the jurisdiction selected you will be able to enter details regarding the search type i.e.,
electronic or certified for ON or, exact and similar or exact matches only for other provinces:
10. When you click next, you are taken to an order confirmation page, which will confirm your
reference, docket, names being searches, the jurisdiction, results format, oncorp fees, source fees, HST and total:
11. From here you can go back to make changes to the order, save as a draft to submit later or
submit for the searches to process.
12. To access submitted searches, select reports on the left-hand index:
The reports index will show you the debtor’s name, type and ability to view the report or copy
to resubmit the request
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