1. Login through the members portal at www.oncorp.com
2. When you click login, the following screen appears. Enter your account name, username and password
then click next:
3. Once you have logged in, look on the top left hand side for the banking/PPSA tab and click
on the PPSA dropdown:
4. After selecting PPSA, you are at the landing page, all registrations are found on the right
hand side of the screen
5. You can select a jurisdiction by clicking on a tile i.e. AB is selected as the default jurisdiction
and a new registration is the default registration type in this example. So lets say we want to
file an ON new registration, you would click ON then new as noted below,
6. Then click start
7. You are brought to the entry page for all details, you can start by completing your reference
and docket field
8. The default registration type is PPSA, to select RSLA click on the dropdown menu
9. To select the number of years click on the registration period drop down
10. To add debtors, click the add debtor button:
11. Select debtor type: business or individual and enter the details below,
12. To continue to add debtors, click SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER
13. If you are finished, click SAVE AND BACK TO FORM
14. If you accidentally selected the wrong button, you can click CANCEL AND BACK TO FORM