- Click on New
- Select Estate-a-Base®Records
- Click on Import
- Find the location in which the record is located (Note: when records are exported, they are saved as RecordNumber.XC.ZIP)
- Highlight the record you wish to import and click OK
- Tag the record you wish to import within the list that appears and click Process (F2) Note: If there is already a record within your system with the same record number you will be prompted to either replace the record, which will override the record you had in your system, or to not replace the record, which will not import the record.
- Click on New
- Estate-a-Base®Records
- Click on Export
- Highlight the record you wish to export, tag it and click Process (F2)
- Find the location in which you would like to save the exported record
- Highlight the record you wish to import and click OK