There may be times when your search is not successful. There is no charge when TCOL is unable to retrieve a tax certificate.
Unsuccessful Automatic PID Lookup (BC Properties)
If you use the automatic PID lookup for BC properties, there may be times when the system returns a message that TCOL could not determine which city is responsible for the tax certificate.
There may be an issue with how the property is recorded in the lookup tables used by TCOL. Using the Alternate Search tab and selecting the appropriate city may retrieve the tax certificate.
You should also verify that the PID you have is correct.
Unsuccessful Alternate Search (BC or Alberta)
If the certificate is not found in the city a message will indicate that the city does not have that tax certificate.
Again, there is no charge for a failed attempt and the Order Status will indicate that no charge has been made.
Check both the city you are searching and the criteria you are using (PID, LINC, Roll Number, or Manufactured Home Number) to ensure they are correct.
There are a variety of reasons why a tax certificate is not available. You may need to contact the city directly to see if they have further information.