Transfer Shares
1. From ecorp Home Page select Open Filing Cabinet
2. Search for the company you need to do the transfer in
3. Select Finance (Left Menu Option)
4. Select Share Transactions, under Things to Do
5. Select Transfer, under Things to Do
6. Enter Information:
a. Effective Date
b. Source Shareholder
c. Click the certificate the shareholder is transferring, if more than one in the same class click on hold CTRL on your key board the click the additional certificates that are to be transferred
d. Enter the Quantity to be transferred.
e. Enter Cash Consideration, if any
f. Select Source Shareholder (who shares are going to)
g. Certificate numbering
i. Suggest leaving on Auto to assign the next available certificate
ii. If source shareholder has a pending certificate, select the auto pull down to select the pending certificate, this will combine the two transactions on one certificate.
7. Select Submit
8. If only a partial number of shares were transferred (example only 10 of 50 shares transferred), allocate the balance of shares
a. Select Finance
b. Select Pending Share Transactions
c. Select the date of the Balance Transaction.
d. Select Allocate Balance of Shares
e. Confirm and or amend the Quantity, Price, Target Shareholder
9. Once all transactions have been entered and are pending select the documents for generation and select Submit
a. Or you can generate documents from a pending matter by selecting the pending matter from Pending Matters and selecting to Edit this Transaction
Have documents reviewed and signed, once approved, once completed you can select the pending matter and choose to Mark Transaction Complete