General Steps for Incorporating
From ecorp Home select Create a File
Select Type of File then next
You will come across File Particulars.
When incorporating a company, or needing incorporation and post incorporation documents you will want to select New
Question 1.1 will be a question asking “Client is the Incorporator?”
- If the client is the incorporator select Yes A) Selecting yes for client is the incorporator will allow you to issue shares to the incorporator and generate your incorporation and post incorporation documents in one step
- If the Lawyer is the Incorporator select No A) When no is selected ecorp will separate the incorporation and post incorporation processes. You will be able to issue your incorporator share in Incorporation, generate your incorporation documents and e-file the incorporation application B) You will not be able to generate your post incorporation documents or transfer your incorporator share until the Incorporation Application is completed and the file is marked active
Select next then walk step by step through the new file wizard
Once you have gone through all the steps of the new file wizard and are on the File Summary, Under things to do select Open File in Filing Cabinet
From here you will want to issue your incorporator shares
- Go to Finance
- Select Share Transaction
- Select Allotment
- Issue the shares to your incorporator as required
- If the client is the incorporator and there are additional shareholders, you can continue to allot all shares needed
- If the client is not the incorporator, then only issue shares to the incorporator at this stage
Add Significant Individuals
- Go to Modifications
- Select Contacts
- Select Add Significant Individual
- Select a significant individual and add details that you do have about the contact, remaining can be collected within questionnaire in post incorporation documents
- Repeat for each significant individual
You will then want to generate your incorporation documents
- Go to File Summary
- Select Generate Incorporation (or Generate Incorporation/Post Incorporation) Documents
- Select the documents you require
- Select Submit
- Download the documents, save them, review them, prepare them for customer
Have documents signed and approved
Once you are ready to incorporate from File Summary select e-File Incorporation Application
Review the draft to ensure the share structure, directors, company name and other information is as expected. Cancel the filing if correction is required, select File Now to complete.
Enter in the annual resolution dates
- Go to Modifications
- Select Corporate Information
- Select Edit Corporate Information
- Confirm that the incorporation date is correct, if not then change the date
- Set the last filed annual report to the incorporation date
- Set the last filed annual resolutions to the incorporation date
- Set the First Annual Reference Date to the date
- Select Edit to save the information
If client was the incorporator
- Ensure you have all your post incorporation documents generated, saved, signed and approved
- Mark the company active from under things to do of the file summary
If the client was not the incorporator
- Mark the company active from under things to do of the file summary
- Dispose of the incorporator share as you require A) Go to Finance B) Select Share Transaction C) Select the transaction that will cancel the incorporator share, example by transferring it to the shareholder or by repurchase
- Issue the client their shares A) From Finance – Share transactions B) Select the transaction to issue the client their required shares
- Make any changes to directors and or officers as required
- Generate Post Incorporation documents A) Go to File Summary B) Select Generate Post Incorporation Documents C) Select documents required D) Submit to generate E) Download, save documents F) Get documents signed and approved
- Once documents are signed and approved Mark Post Incorporation Complete from under things to do of the file summary