To ADD a user to the program:
- Login to the program as the DEFAULT user
- Select User Setup from the Configuration Menu
- Select Add and select the user number, name of the user and the user’s initials.
- Click on the Directory Tab and ensure that the directories are correct.
Note: if the directories are in red writing, this indicates that they are incorrect.
- To correct the directories, uncheck Adopt Defaults if it is checked off and click on the magnifying glass beside each directory to point the path to the correct location.
(Example: If the program is hosted on a server, the path could look like so; Z:\FCWIN\MASTERS, Z:\FCWIN\DATA, etc.)
To DELETE a user from the program:
- Login to the program as the DEFAULT user
- Select User Setup from the Configuration Menu
Note: If you do not see the Configuration Menu, click on Go To > Configuration - Click on the username you would like to delete and select the Delete button