How do I change the name of, or delete, a principal record?




  • Permanently deleted user

    I have more than one principal record in the database for the same person, what can I do? Is it possible to get rid of the duplicates without affecting the company records?

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  • Kristen

    Yes! Great question - there is a way to Join two parties that have been duplicated in the system without is affecting company records. Here's how:

    1. Log in as the Default user to the program
    2. Close the Configuration Menu that will normally automatically display
    3. Click on Go To > Secondary Databases > Principals
    4. Click on the JOIN button at the bottom of the screen
    5. Find the name of the principal record entry that you would like merged and removed from the system, highlight it and click on option "1. Select Principal Record to be Joined and Deleted, and Click Here". The principal record’s name appears in red beside the option.
    6. Find the name of the principal record entry that you would like merged and retained in the system, highlight it and click on option "2. Select Principal Record to be Joined and Retain, and Click Here". The principal record’s name appears in red beside the option.
    7. Click Proceed

    This will merge both entries into one and will be reflected correctly in all records that that principal record is referenced.

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