How to Setup Will Builder Client Mode on a Workstation in a Networked Environment
Step 1
Determine which computer is the host or server and find the computer name.
Step 2
Ensure the workstation is on the same Windows network as the host.
Step 3
Find the folder location of the program on the host or server, for example: C:\DoProcess\WILLBUILDER.
If you have trouble with any of the above steps, please consult a Do Process user in your office or your office technician.
Step 4
Map a network drive pointing to one level above the program folder, for example:
X:\WILLBUILDER, where X is pointing to the Do Process folder, or \\ServerName\DoProcess
Step 5
Browse through the mapped network drive to the program folder and run the executable file, for example: WILLBUILDER.EXE
Step 6
Log in to the program with the username to be used at this workstation. When prompted, click the Switch to Client Mode button. If you are not prompted, follow these steps: Go To > Configuration > Create Client.
Step 7
Confirm the shortcut on the desktop was created successfully, for example it should be called WILLBUILDER (client).
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